. Do visit this page regularly as we will update it to reflect any changes in circumstances.

We want to do everything we can to help protect you and us from this crisis. “Us” means hundreds and thousands of people, you, our tradespeople, our landlords, ourselves, our friends and work mates and our town and country. And everyone’s families.
Our business remains open and active but our offices are shut to visitors for any reason. We are encouraging everyone to follow the UK Government guidance and rules on staying isolated. We each of us need to have two concerns – how to avoid catching the disease AND how to avoid spreading it to other people.
This means that things have got to change quite dramatically.
Keep up-to-date with the latest UK Government guidance and instructions by opening this every day.
The most important points – what everyone needs to do – taken from https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus:
Stay alert
We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:
- stay at home as much as possible
- work from home if you can
- limit contact with other people
- keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
- wash your hands regularly
Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms. Read more about what you can and cannot do
Do not leave home if you or someone you live with has any of the following:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
If you or someone in your household has self-diagnosed with coronavirus or tested positive then you must read UK Gov Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and do everything it says.
In any case this national crisis affects everyone healthy or infected:
- Tenants: we wrote to you today and that letter is here along with more useful information
- Applicants and househunters: things have changed, read about it here
- Tradespeople: the way we work with repairs and tenants has to be carefully considered. Read all about it here.
- Landlords: things are very much on hold. Viewings, repairs, inspections have all got to change dramatically. Read all about it here.
So stay safe everyone and remember that everyone of us needs to have two concerns
- first: how to avoid catching the disease ourselves and
- second: how to avoid spreading it to other people before we realise we ourselves have become infected.